Our wedding was SUPER DIY. Some of that was intentional, and some of it was not. So instead of recapping everything all at once, I am going to recap the DIY aspects first since those are so time consuming and many readers are prepping for their weddings.
One of the things I am SUPER grateful I did was to have Mr. Scott's Aunt make our wedding cake. We saved money and it turned out exactly the way we wanted. I have a few pieces of advice for any who take someone up on their offers to do something for your wedding. 1) Offer to pay for the supplies and mean it. We did this and though Mr. Scott's Aunt wouldn't hear of taking our money, we had budgeted for it just in case. 2) Make sure to give the person a nice note or gift. Mr. Scott's Aunt didn't make it to the rehearsal dinner because she was working on the cake until the morning of the wedding. We wished she could have been there to share in the joy of it all, but we have decided instead to give her an incredible thank you note and gift. 3) Be prepared that your cake may not turn out exactly like you want it. That was not our situation, it turned out PERFECT!, but I was prepared for it to not turn out the same just in case. I didn't want to be disappointed. If the cake is the one thing you care A LOT about, then have a professional do it. If there was something that mattered a lot to me, I paid out for it to be done professionally. There is something to be said for professional workmanship (it's the reason they call them professionals.) This was one of those things that I am glad I didn't pay out for. AND 4) make sure you like the work of the person doing the favor. Mr. Scott's Aunt has done hundreds of cakes before including a wedding cake to feed 1,500 people! I had looked through her book and told her things I liked and didn't like. I completely had 100% faith in her abilities and I truly think that made all the difference. So without further adieu, here is our inspiration, followed by our wedding cake!
Our cake inspiration is actually an April Reed cake.
Doesn't it look amazing? She got exactly what I was looking for! So similar to the April Reed cake yet totally our own! The crazy thing was that my entire bouquet was Orchids...a fact no one knew until the day before...not even myself. AND! The flowers Mr. Scott's Aunt used on the cake? ORCHIDS!
The bridesmaids bouquets were supposed to be closer together (something our DOC should have done...but that's for another post).
A few of the flower petals fell off the cake, but I didn't care! I thought it was beautiful! AND SO TASTEY!
I thought I would add a few pictures of Mr. Scott and I cutting the cake. Just for fun! :) 
All photos courtesy of Sean J. Mason...we love him!