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Something Old, Something Blue
Well I officially finished one of my DIY projects last night and decided to share with you all. I have a lot of bridesmaids...7 to be exact. I realize for some people that is too many, but after reading a wedding ettique book, I learned that for a formal evening wedding, anywhere from 6-12! bridesmaids is acceptable. So I felt much better.Anyway, as there is 7, I couldn't ask my bridesmaids to help me with my "something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue, & a sixpence in your shoe". So I decided to ask the ladies of Mr. Scott's family and my family to help me. I basically assigned each woman a different category. Mr. Scott's Mom, Mr. Scott's Grandma, my Mom, and my Grandma are all very special women and I cannot wait to see what they come up with. I put them in the mail already so I have no problem posting about them. :) SO, here is my first completed DIY project details!
I started with blue cardstock and used a silver ink with one of my border stamps from Paper Source to line the edges.
Originally I had printed the note I had written on the vellum paper but soon realized it would be harder for people to read. (The close up below shows the fun print on the vellum paper.)
So using my paper cutter, I placed a sheet of white paper behind the vellum with glue dots. (I could probably write a whole post on how much I LOVE glue dots!)
Then I simply punched two holes at the top and attached the vellum. TA DA! My completed notes to the ladies!
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