Wednesday, July 2, 2008


This is pretty much what I feel like yelling at myself right now with how inconsistent I have been blogging lately! But honestly the past few days have been insane! Let me give you a quick recap:

Friday: night I left work a little bit late and headed to LAX to catch my flight to San Francisco for my shower. I had plans to visit one of my best friends Christopher but as my flight was delayed an hour, I ended up getting home at 12:30 and not being able to visit.
Saturday: I woke up and ran a few errands. My dad and I drove to pick up my future mother in law (FMIL) from her friends house to go to my shower. I think it was really nice for my dad to finally get to meet someone beside Mr. Scott in Mr. Scott's family. :) Then we headed over to my grandmothers house for my shower where my MOH Ms. B really REALLY outdid herself. EVERYTHING was absolutely beautiful and perfect. I couldn't ask for anything more. Truly. As soon as I get the pictures back from various cameras...I promise to dedicate an entire post to how amazing it was. After the shower, I drove my FMIL back and then hung out with Ms. Elle for a few hours, chatting it up. (We hadn't seen each other since I got engaged!). Then it was off to dinner with my Aunt, mother, MOH, Grandparents, and brother. After dinner I went over to my neighbors house (their mother is like my second mother) to hang out and catch up. By the time I hit the hay it was 2 AM!
Sunday: Woke up and got breakfast with my mom and siblings. Mom and I traveled around the bay shopping. I bought jewelry for my Bmaid's gifts, found my wedding earrings!, and was able to return six giant boxes of shower presents I couldn't fit on the plane. Now, I do not work for Bed Bath and Beyond nor do I get paid for saying things like this, but let me just say how much I L-O-V-E them! They have been so easygoing and made everything virtually painless. Not only did they return all six of my boxes, they then re-bought everything for me online and had it shipped to my house with FREE shipping so I wouldn't have to go back to the stores in LA to repurchase everything. (SO AWESOME!) AND! the one item they couldn't find online, they simply shipped to my house from their store free of charge. I seriously have a crush on them. After that, Ms. B and I were off to the airport for our flights home. Our flight was again delayed an hour and half and I ended up getting home close to midnight.
Monday: Worked all day and then began moving all night. Got a lot done, but got to bed late.
Tuesday: Woke up and had a dress fitting. This did not go as well as I thought. But then, this may require a little background information, which...maybe I should dedicate an entire post to. Regardless, the sleeves looked nothing like what I wanted and my dress suddenly didn't fit. Now, Ill admit I do not frequent the gym all that much, but I have also not gained that much, if any, weight since my last fitting. The only thing I could think was that when they fixed the bodice, the dress got smaller. My only option now may be to either loose five pounds, or go commando to save the inches...thoughts anyone? After my fitting, my FMIL and I were off to Costco to grab things we needed for our OOT bags. I got all sorts of goodies and cant wait to put them together! After that, we loaded my FMIL van with stuff from my apartment to move it to my new place when we suddenly found out that Mr. Scott had copied the original apartment key and it was a bad key! We were locked out! With nothing left to do but wait for Mr. Scott to get off work to give us a key, my FMIL and I went and got massages. I must say that it was SO relaxing and so nice to just sit still for a bit and have someone work out the knots that have been building in my back over the last few months. Of course, once this was over, it was back to moving into the new place all night. Everything I own is now sitting in our new place in boxes...I am wearing one of the few items not in a box to work today.

SO needless to say, I've been a little busy. If you are tired just from reading this (which you should be!), then you can imagine how tired I am from living it! :) I promise to be back to full blog post mode soon. Thanks for your patience and love!

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