Yesterday marked my last day at my office. :( It was truly bittersweet. I have been so fortunate to work with the wonderful people I have worked with and gain the experiences I have had. I am just incredibly grateful for it all. That was the bitter part...leaving them. But! There is a sweet part which is that I can dedicate myself 100% to all things wedding. So with that said, I shall begin my posting stories!! First up Charity Tokens!
Mr. Scott and I decided that we didn't want do traditional favors because we personally have never liked them and most favors cost a lot for no reason. Mr. Scott and I have also started to have a social conviction regarding the amount of money and waste that goes into weddings. So because of that, we decided our money was going to a good cause. While we have only picked one of the three charities (It's a lot harder to narrow it down then you would think), we have begun making the tokens. The idea was stolen from Mrs. Lovebug on weddingbee. At the time I didn't have a Xyron so I couldn't quite do the same thing she did, so I improvised. Below is a shot of all the supplies you will need.

Step Three: Shake off the excess powder and apply heat from the embossing tool to the circle's ink and powder. Be careful of your fingers!
Once completed, you are left with wonderful tokens! :) The U is for our new last name and I LOVED the stamp. Once the tokens were complete, we put them into glassine bags and sealed them with a sticker the same size as the tokens with the same stamp. We will have three over sized Brandy glasses for each person at the wedding to go drop their tokens into. Each token is 50 cents and they can donate all six to one charity or break it up. We are really excited about how these turned out!
Scratch paper, two colored ink pads, construction paper, hole punch, embossing powder in different colors, and embossing tool.
Since our colors are black and white, we made both black and white tokens. Step one, punch circles...
Step Two: Stamp each circle with desired stamp. Be sure it is nice and wet and then cover completely with embossing powder.
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