The flowers had jeweled initials that read K-M-U for my first, current last name, and new last name!

I realized they weren't done bringing it all out yet! Tea sandwiches, fresh fruit, freshly baked scones, veggies in dip, some of the best tea I have ever had, and this delicious soup served in martini glasses (which I failed to get a picture of).
I loved how creative she got with her presentation. She also added peonies on the food table because Ms. B knows how much I love them. They were pink (which Ms. B knows I don't particularly like) but their fluffy goodness made the pink completely worth it!
I had to put this picture of my grandma in. There is no purpose other than to show how much she hates having her picture taken!
After our tea, we played a few games. The first one was a fill in the blank of old wife's sayings. Like "home is...where the heart is." "A penny a penny earned." Here we are hard at work.Mr. Scott's mom won this round! She later confessed that she doesn't care about the prizes and just secretly loves winning!
Next came the gifts! And can I just say how blown away I was? People's generosity continues to amaze me!
My mom brought her wedding veil for me to wear. It just so happens that that weekend my family decided to show me all of their wedding clothes etc. I almost wish I would have known about it all before I bought my things because I still think I could have reused a lot of it!While I opened presents, we played another game. Ms. B had called Mr. Scott and asked him a few questions. I had to guess the answers. I have no idea what I was laughing at below, but I LOVED this Anthropologie Apron Mrs. E's mom sent me! It totally matches our red, black, and white kitchen. That and it is the first apron I have ever owned.
I got an answer wrong so I was hiding behind an antique fan my mother gave me for my wedding day. The question "If Mr. Scott could be any superhero, what would he be?" My response, "Ohh that's a tough one because he was a big nerd and liked to read comics. It's either Superman or Batman...hum...I'm going to go with Superman and yes that is my final answer." It was batman.
The INCREDIBLY talented Ms. Elle gave Mr. Scott and I a beautiful picture frame. And inside, was a sketched picture that you will find in the corner of my blog. She is so talented and I just know I will cherish this picture for years to come. Mr. Scott's mom suggested I find a place to display the picture somewhere at the wedding and I think it's a great idea! I wish the picture was a little better so you could see it.
Here is Ms. B with our party favors...Lingerie Lollipops! :) She is just so creative. Doesn't she look lovely?
And at the end of the day, here is everyone minus Brenda who was taking the picture. THANK YOU LADIES SO MUCH! It was the BEST shower a girl could ask for! And a special thanks to my mother, Ms. B, and Ms. Elle who really pulled the whole thing together and worked effortlessly to shower me in style. I cannot express how amazed I was!
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